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Reiki Healing
Reiki Share Logo Smaller_edited.jpg

Reiki Share Group

Third Wednesday of the month, 7.30pm - 9.30pm


£10 for 3 months, or £4 per month (pay as you go) - contact Sarah for payment details

For more information contact:

Sarah Dargue - Power Botanicals


Phone No:



Sarah is a qualified Reiki Master & Master Teacher and leads the Reiki Share at Croxdale Community Centre.  This is open to individuals who have studied Reiki and also those who would like to learn about Reiki and share in some lovely healing. 


We meet once per month for 2 hours and the sessions usually contain meditation, healing and on occasion, we have guest speakers giving us insights into other healing or spiritual modalities.  Subjects have included Shamanism, herbs and how to use them in our daily lives, Ayurvedic medicine and acupuncture.

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